with good grace


with good grace 的定义

  1. Willingly, pleasantly, as in They had tried hard to win but accepted their loss with good grace. [Mid-1700s] Also see with bad grace.

with good grace 近义词

with good grace

等同于 gladly

更多with good grace例句

  1. As an example of good science-and-society policymaking, the history of fluoride may be more of a cautionary tale.
  2. The speaker conjures up centuries of collective sagacity, aligning oneself with an eternal, inarguable good.
  3. I think everybody would like to be handsome and good at karate.
  4. Petty, shade, and thirst are my favorite human “virtues” and the trifecta of any good series of “stories.”
  5. But there is a big twist in this story that has left both Grace Castro and Lozoya frustrated and grasping for more answers.
  6. We resolved to do our best to merit the good opinion which we thus supposed them to entertain of us.
  7. Many of them were delicious in the role; one of them was the embodiment of every womanly grace and charm.
  8. They ranged from moving trunks to cleaning cisterns, and, by grace of all of them, Sim was doing very well.
  9. And with some expressions of mutual good-will and interest, master and man separated.
  10. She did not need a great cook-book; She knew how much and what it took To make things good and sweet and light.